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The landscape design concept was influenced by the Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVCs) that Peninsula Link traverses. Planting densities and the structure and composition of plant communities have been selected to maximise the potential for natural regeneration, for habitat values and to discourage weeds.

  • Hardy, drought tolerant and longer lived species have been selected.
  • Planting solutions that require high maintenance or short-lived species have been avoided.
  • Plantings that tend to trap litter have been avoided where possible.
  • Planted wetlands are designed to reach full vegetative cover as quickly as possible to minimise weed invasion and improve water quality.

In EVC restoration areas, indigenous plants have been used and species that may become invasive or displace other indigenous species have been avoided. Plant species that provide habitat for local fauna are encouraged.

Planting has generally utilised tube stock or cells as this approach has proven to be the most successful on broad-scale freeway projects. By planting the stock small, it increases the chance of successful plant establishment and survival. As a general rule, the larger the pot size, the higher the risk of transplant stress and potential plant loss.

Following is a description of the EVCs for each design precinct and the species that are planted.

Peninsula portal

The landscape design emphasis at the EastLink and Mornington Freeway interchange was on protection and enhancement of the remnant Plains Grassy Wetland.

  • Disturbances to remnant vegetation were minimised during construction.
  • Batter slopes were planted with locally sourced species (that grow in well drained soils as opposed to the wet soils of surrounding wetlands).
  • Remnant vegetation is managed by weed controls and appropriate wetting regimes.

Plains Grassy Wetland
Plains Grassy Woodland
Swampy Scrub

Planting species
Acacia Melanoxylon
Allocasuarian paludosa
Eucalyptus ovate var. avata
Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. Pyronia
Juncus pallidus





The Pines

The Pines is an EVC restoration area where the landscape design intent was to restore and preserve the remnant vegetation of the Pines Flora and Fauna Reserve. The potential exists in the Pines using a combination of direct seeding and planting.

Swampy Ribarian Woodland
Swamp Scrub
Damp Sands Herb-rich Woodland
Damp Heathy Woodland
Aquatic Herbland

Planting species
Species used are based on Greater Pines Master Plan.






Woodland experiences and cultural landscapes

In these precincts, the landscape design was based on a naturally appearing backdrop that interfaces with residential edges and the remnant vegetation in the area.

Damp Sands Herb-rich Wooddand
Swampy Woodland
Swamp Scrub 
Heathy Woodland

Planting species
Acacia myrtifolia
Acacia melanoxylon
Allocasuarina littoralis
Bursaria spinosa
Correa reflexa
Eucalyptus cephalocarpa
Eucalyptus radiate ssp. Radiate
Hakea Nodosa
Hakea ulcina
Kunzea ericoides
Leptospermum scoparium
Olearia ramulosa
Pimelia humillis
Viminaria juncea










Threshold precinct (Baxter area)

In the Threshold design precinct, landscape planting complements the indigenous species in the area.

Swampy Woodland
Swamp Scrub

Planting species
Acacia melanoxylon
Allocasaurina Littoralis
Cassina arcuta
Eucalyptus pauciflora sp, paucifora
Juncus pallidus
Juncus subsecundus
Kunzea ericoides
Leptospermum contineale
Melaleuca ericifolla








Green room (Moorooduc Plains)

In this precinct, the landscape design transitions from scattered Eucalypt plantings, which are the predominant planting in this precinct, through to more regular linear plantings at Bungower Road and Mornington Tyabb Road.

Grassy Woodland
Damp Sands Herb-Rich Woodland
Swampy Riparian Woodland
Swamp Scrub

Planting species
Acacia implexia
Acacia mearnsii
Acacia paradoxa
Allocasurina paludosa
Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. Pauciflora
Eucalyptus radiate ssp. Radiate
Kenzea ericoides